Sunday, 3 June 2012

The Best Dog In The World

         One of the best things that ever happened to me was getting this little fellow that I'm holding in this picture. He is my little doggy that goes by the name of "Henry Charles Albert Bailey" but in short. Henry will do just fine.

        Our love story started when I was only twelve. He was a surprise that my dad had for me. I could still remember the day when he was still a little pup. Those little eyes and the cute small little body that he use to have. He was just only around 5weeks old when we first set eyes upon him and bought him.

               The first day that he spent with us was a memorable one because it was going to be his first bath in my house. At that time, I could still carry him with only one palm. I soon found out something about my little dog. He was the kind that hardly barked and would try to eat everything he could put into his mouth. There was once during Christmas when Henry got a present . It was those little chew shoe that had flavour in it. My dog literately ate the whole thing as though it was a tiny thing. I also caught him eating stones, leaves, chilli, cloth and some other. Henry was also the kind that didn't want to "waste" food. There was one time when he drank so much milk that his stomach was starting to look bloated but yet still wanted to continue drinking it. It was then when we took the bowl away from him and his eyes looked like it was going to tear-up. Those were the days but yet I still loved him for so many more reasons.

          The things that I really love about my little son is that he is a really playful little dog. He would run around and follow me when ever I walk. Wherever I jumped he would jump the exact same place. Little Henry also doesn't really bark only when there is strangers. I could still remember the time when we trained him how to walk, sit, stay, fetch, lie down and ball. He was a little stubborn at first but we finally got the orders into the little head of his.

        Many experience and secrets was also shared with him and somehow he seemed to understand. Like there was a time when I nearly met an accident but I didn't. I went home and looked for Henry and told him everything as he sat there and listened. After I told him the whole story, Henry came closer to me and wanted me to carry him. Once I carried him, he started to lick my face. Those things really changed me and I wasn't feeling scared any more because he cared for me.

        This year on 2012. On the 10th of October. Henry would be having his 6th birthday and I hope that every year with him by my side. It would be a brighter and better one. I could never imagine my life without my little son. Henry, I love you.

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