Saturday, 2 June 2012

Lost Opportunity.

             Few years ago, there was someone really special to me. It was someone that every single guy would dream of. And one of those guys were me. I could still remember the first time we ever met. It all started of like this: It was a wonderful afternoon when I was going back home from school and on that day, I took the wrong train and there was where our eyes met. The pretty face of yours smiling at me and I was shocked because I have never seen anyone look at me like that before. And there it was when I realised, this might be "love at first sight". I then took all the effort of my body and talk to you. Those little minutes that we had was almost like decades to me but yet when I had to leave, I didn't want to cause you were a miracle in my life. That is when we swapped numbers and there was also when it all started, just strangers that met in the train but now. Something great might happen to us and I was praying for it.

           Times passed and we kept on messaging and calling each other. Calling was the best thing cause we talked up to three in the morning even though we both had school the next day. There is when I realised that we were starting to have a thing for each other and I was READY! It took me some time until I got the guts to ask you to be my girlfriend. The things that I had been praying for finally happened. You ACCEPTED! I was a happy kid once more and I always wanted to impress you every single time we met. But yet we never met again. I still remembered one time when I made plans with you to meet up at the train station. I waited for an hour but you never came. I was wavering but yet still hopeful. 

          I called you the when I reached home and called you wanting to ask what had happened for the wait. You told me that you fell sick and I was willing to just say "okay". I was curious but never did question you if it was the truth but I didn't want to ruin what we had which was good. But then came the moment when one day. You called me while crying on the phone and I knew something BAD was about to happen.

         You told me " Matt, my friend wants to be in a relationship with me. He is my friend since we were children and I wouldn't want to break his heart.". I was shocked and didn't know what to say. You then told me "Can I be with him?" and there was when I knew you were cheating with me. The moments where I wished we could be together forever had been broken and shattered. I couldn't possibly say no cause I love you and all I wanted was for you to be happy. So I replied: okay, but we'd still be friends right?. You said "YES". I still hoped.

        Days passed when we haven't called or messaged and I was wanting to hear you voice once again. But time and time again I called and messaged you but there was not a single sound from you. I knew that you were cheating on me, playing with my feelings when I clearly LOVED you with what I had but still you threw it away. Every time I think of you, I know that you are doing better than me cause sometimes when I look into your facebook account. I see you smiling with the guy I gave you up for. That was all I need to know. A smile from your face and I know everything is still all right.


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