Tuesday, 5 June 2012

The Hardship Of Coupling

        Many people may look at being in a relationship as really good and is a real blessing. But there are so many things that they do not see before they get serious with someone and that is the reason why some relationships tend to crash and burn.

      Look at it this way, there are only 2 conclusions in any relationship. Either you Marry them or breakups happen. And anyone that only seeks to take advantage or rush into a relationship tend to end up at the second section. The reason for this is because they don't see ahead of them but they rather just see relationships as just feelings of the heart which will never last long. Once the party do not feel the fire of love that they use to have, they tend to look at other people and seek that fire of feelings once again. 

     Moreover, they also don't see the baggage that a relationship may bring along. For example, whatever you do and plan, you have to share with one another if not the relationship will die out pretty fast. In any relationship, truth is very important and if one can't be truthful to one another. The relationship will not last. The second is that some people that always go by the feelings do not understand commitment because they have the wrong mindset and think they can find that feeling of love in anyone as they please. They will look upon other people even though they may be committed to another and will do so if not stopped. These are very dangerous people mainly because they tend to break hearts that have trusted and depended on them which may lead to a certain turn of events which may be bad. 

       Coupling also brings along each others problem between one other. A successful relationship is also about sharing ones problem and overcoming it together. If one side don't want to handle the other party's problems. The relationship will crumble. So, the next time you have feeling for someone. Be sure you are willing to sacrifice your time and effort for one another and there is no need to rush into a relationship. Take time to think. 

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