Laughter and happiness is only momentary but Joy last forever. Seek Joy and the rest will come.
Saturday, 16 June 2012
Is It Suppose To Like This
Just recently, I have been trying to bring up the question on weather we should be more than friends but yet every single time I talk to you on the phone or even message. I just can't seem to get the courage and ask you. We talk and sometimes I get so excited that I start asking stupid questions and talk a little weirdly. Why is it that I can't seem to ask you that simple question? And why do I always feel like I'm saying the wrong words? I'm really so confused, can you help me out and give me a chance?
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Getting Ready!!!!
Here it comes, the moment that each and everyone of us that has not been waiting for. And that is a wonderful exam called SPM!!!!!! Every single day brings me closer to this very moment where it will determine whether or not I get a wonderful or a not so wonderful future. Every single day, rushing to study and catch up with so many things I left out. Now, my life is all about studies. Goodbye events, goodbye girlfriend, goodbye games and say hello to exams. Why can't it be much later? I can't escape the fact that life is going to be very messy very fast. Can someone just save me from this torture?!?!?!?
Monday, 11 June 2012
Boring Day
First day of school after the two weeks of holidays. And today, there was so little things to do and I couldn't believe how boring school actually was. I just wish that the exam results will not make me sad.
Saturday, 9 June 2012
The New Pet Of The House
The new pet of the house is finally here! After the incident of my fighting fish where he died, we decided what to get as another pet and today. I finally made up my mind when I was at the pet store. There was a small red prawn there just sitting at the conner of the store and I knew, that was the pet for me. Yes it might be small but it is just what I need. This is the first prawn that I have as a pet and I'm really excited to see the prawn grow. I also then made up my mind to name this tiny little fellow RED.
A Long Day Out
Today it has been a really long day out for me. Since 7.30am in the morning I have been at church helping out until 7.00pm. I couldn't believe this sense of stress and energy that I have used today. And the fondness in my heart is still here wishing that we could be together again. I really miss you but yet I don't dare to tell you cause I'm afraid you will think differently of me. How can I cope with this lack of energy and love at the same time? Really confused.
Friday, 8 June 2012
Best International Understanding Day
Today the best thing that I have been hoping for has happened! For the whole holiday, I have been rotting at home and was really putting my hopes up for this historical day. I never expected it to be so fun and exciting. I thought it was just going to be a normal IU but yet Convent Bukit Nanas had proved me wrong, so very wrong. It was my first IU in this school and I was actually imagining how the school would look like, the wild imaginations that was running through my mind. And the theme of this IU was JUNGLE MADNESS!!! It was an event that was suppose to build the awareness to save the forest and trees.
In the morning, the registrations opened at 0800hours and it was a really hot morning while my friends and I waited for it to open. After the registrations, we all headed into the hall to put down our things and left the hall because the event would only start at 0900hours. At the moment, I was walking around chilling with my friends and just looking around the school compound. It wasn't really big but yet it was functional. It was then when I laid eyes on my beloved friend which I haven't seen in almost a year and she looked great!
Clock strikes 0900hours and we all were anxious at what was about to come. First, the opening ceremony and speeches made from the principle and the people that was in charge of it. Of course, that was the most boring part of any event when everyone has to just sit there and listen. After the speech, there was a simple video made from the girls of CBN. It wasn't a long one but yet it was a really funny but yet it got us to look at different angle on why we should save the environment.
Not long after, we had a group of girls from CBN that performed for us. There was dance, music and singing everywhere. The crowd was shouting and screaming at the top of their lungs and it really made me smile and laugh along with them. About 1010hours, it was our break time for some food and drinks. We then headed to the canteen and there was food provided for us. But the thing that made me wonder was why did the boys have to sit opposite side to the girls. We were not allowed and I made a joke saying : Maybe the guys food has more carbohydrates compared to the girls side.
During our meal, there was a couple of performance with fire where the performer will sit fire out of their mouths. It was really great but the smell of kerosene was really strong. It attracted everyone to want to watch the spectacular event. After the fire performance, the CBN band started showing off their moves playing in beats and dancing. During the performance, I went over to my best friend and chitchat with her about things and there was a couple of our friends teasing us while we talked.
In the morning, the registrations opened at 0800hours and it was a really hot morning while my friends and I waited for it to open. After the registrations, we all headed into the hall to put down our things and left the hall because the event would only start at 0900hours. At the moment, I was walking around chilling with my friends and just looking around the school compound. It wasn't really big but yet it was functional. It was then when I laid eyes on my beloved friend which I haven't seen in almost a year and she looked great!
Clock strikes 0900hours and we all were anxious at what was about to come. First, the opening ceremony and speeches made from the principle and the people that was in charge of it. Of course, that was the most boring part of any event when everyone has to just sit there and listen. After the speech, there was a simple video made from the girls of CBN. It wasn't a long one but yet it was a really funny but yet it got us to look at different angle on why we should save the environment.
Not long after, we had a group of girls from CBN that performed for us. There was dance, music and singing everywhere. The crowd was shouting and screaming at the top of their lungs and it really made me smile and laugh along with them. About 1010hours, it was our break time for some food and drinks. We then headed to the canteen and there was food provided for us. But the thing that made me wonder was why did the boys have to sit opposite side to the girls. We were not allowed and I made a joke saying : Maybe the guys food has more carbohydrates compared to the girls side.
During our meal, there was a couple of performance with fire where the performer will sit fire out of their mouths. It was really great but the smell of kerosene was really strong. It attracted everyone to want to watch the spectacular event. After the fire performance, the CBN band started showing off their moves playing in beats and dancing. During the performance, I went over to my best friend and chitchat with her about things and there was a couple of our friends teasing us while we talked.
As know, the event wasn't over and we then headed back into our sits in the hall, there was then a wonderful performance by elecoldxhot which made the whole crowd go really crazy and we shouted as they danced. After them, there was a famous singer by the name of Caprice and his partner that I didn't know. They sang and started giving our flowers for us and the girls seemed to fall in love with them.
How wonderful a day. After these, at 1130hours there was the closing ceremony and somehow I felt sad that it was coming to a close. I just wished that I would have lasted longer. CBN really did a good job and I applause them for their wonderful work.
Thursday, 7 June 2012
Worst Holidays Ever
Ever felt bored before? Well, it is how I feel right now. It is the holidays and you know holidays are suppose to be full of activities. But yet for me, my holidays are really boring and I sit here all day. I am in the second week of my holidays and I have only left my house only a few times and most of them are just for classes or meetings. Everyday I wake up not having an objective and I just don't have any objectives while feeling bored at the same time.
The worst thing is I can't access the internet because my mum changed the password to the wifi and now, I'm left with the television. Imagine sitting in front of the television the whole day trying to bare through with no interesting shows on. I wish I could sleep the whole day but yet I can't. Why can't things be more exciting?
The worst thing is I can't access the internet because my mum changed the password to the wifi and now, I'm left with the television. Imagine sitting in front of the television the whole day trying to bare through with no interesting shows on. I wish I could sleep the whole day but yet I can't. Why can't things be more exciting?
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
The Hardship Of Coupling
Many people may look at being in a relationship as really good and is a real blessing. But there are so many things that they do not see before they get serious with someone and that is the reason why some relationships tend to crash and burn.
Look at it this way, there are only 2 conclusions in any relationship. Either you Marry them or breakups happen. And anyone that only seeks to take advantage or rush into a relationship tend to end up at the second section. The reason for this is because they don't see ahead of them but they rather just see relationships as just feelings of the heart which will never last long. Once the party do not feel the fire of love that they use to have, they tend to look at other people and seek that fire of feelings once again.
Moreover, they also don't see the baggage that a relationship may bring along. For example, whatever you do and plan, you have to share with one another if not the relationship will die out pretty fast. In any relationship, truth is very important and if one can't be truthful to one another. The relationship will not last. The second is that some people that always go by the feelings do not understand commitment because they have the wrong mindset and think they can find that feeling of love in anyone as they please. They will look upon other people even though they may be committed to another and will do so if not stopped. These are very dangerous people mainly because they tend to break hearts that have trusted and depended on them which may lead to a certain turn of events which may be bad.
Coupling also brings along each others problem between one other. A successful relationship is also about sharing ones problem and overcoming it together. If one side don't want to handle the other party's problems. The relationship will crumble. So, the next time you have feeling for someone. Be sure you are willing to sacrifice your time and effort for one another and there is no need to rush into a relationship. Take time to think.
A Wonderful Trip With My Friends

Monday, 4 June 2012
Feeling Jelous
This may seem really weird that there are some girl out there which you are close to would not choose you but rather choose some other jerks. It all started like this. There was a girl out there that I am really close to. We would sometimes talk on the phone for an hour or so and sometimes when you are so close to a certain girl. You will somehow tend to have a little feelings for that particular girl and that is how I started asking her out to go on a date with me but she'd always reject me for reasons that I don't know.
This particular girl, she is somewhat an angel to me because she is the only one that I can talk and share secrets and gossip about other people. Its suppose to be weird but somehow we wouldn't mind. We can insult each other and still laugh. That is what I consider real friends. Friends that will be by your side while you are sad and give you let you put your head on their shoulders while you cry. And she was that kind of girl.
There was a time when she asked me how to dump a guy that she found out that was cheating on her. I advised her accordingly but little did I know, that guy was actually from my school and he was a real player of hearts. I couldn't believe my ears when she told me. The reason for this is because she knew about this guy yet she would accept him and reject me? It was really shocking since they never really talked and yet she accepted him? How could this ever happen? I would take a bullet for her and yet she'd reject me. Even though I can still laugh and smile but yet in my heart. It was a slap to my face. How can I lose to a jerk? Till now, jealousy still reeks my heart.
This particular girl, she is somewhat an angel to me because she is the only one that I can talk and share secrets and gossip about other people. Its suppose to be weird but somehow we wouldn't mind. We can insult each other and still laugh. That is what I consider real friends. Friends that will be by your side while you are sad and give you let you put your head on their shoulders while you cry. And she was that kind of girl.
There was a time when she asked me how to dump a guy that she found out that was cheating on her. I advised her accordingly but little did I know, that guy was actually from my school and he was a real player of hearts. I couldn't believe my ears when she told me. The reason for this is because she knew about this guy yet she would accept him and reject me? It was really shocking since they never really talked and yet she accepted him? How could this ever happen? I would take a bullet for her and yet she'd reject me. Even though I can still laugh and smile but yet in my heart. It was a slap to my face. How can I lose to a jerk? Till now, jealousy still reeks my heart.
Sunday, 3 June 2012
The Best Dog In The World
One of the best things that ever happened to me was getting this little fellow that I'm holding in this picture. He is my little doggy that goes by the name of "Henry Charles Albert Bailey" but in short. Henry will do just fine.
Our love story started when I was only twelve. He was a surprise that my dad had for me. I could still remember the day when he was still a little pup. Those little eyes and the cute small little body that he use to have. He was just only around 5weeks old when we first set eyes upon him and bought him.
The first day that he spent with us was a memorable one because it was going to be his first bath in my house. At that time, I could still carry him with only one palm. I soon found out something about my little dog. He was the kind that hardly barked and would try to eat everything he could put into his mouth. There was once during Christmas when Henry got a present . It was those little chew shoe that had flavour in it. My dog literately ate the whole thing as though it was a tiny thing. I also caught him eating stones, leaves, chilli, cloth and some other. Henry was also the kind that didn't want to "waste" food. There was one time when he drank so much milk that his stomach was starting to look bloated but yet still wanted to continue drinking it. It was then when we took the bowl away from him and his eyes looked like it was going to tear-up. Those were the days but yet I still loved him for so many more reasons.
The things that I really love about my little son is that he is a really playful little dog. He would run around and follow me when ever I walk. Wherever I jumped he would jump the exact same place. Little Henry also doesn't really bark only when there is strangers. I could still remember the time when we trained him how to walk, sit, stay, fetch, lie down and ball. He was a little stubborn at first but we finally got the orders into the little head of his.
Many experience and secrets was also shared with him and somehow he seemed to understand. Like there was a time when I nearly met an accident but I didn't. I went home and looked for Henry and told him everything as he sat there and listened. After I told him the whole story, Henry came closer to me and wanted me to carry him. Once I carried him, he started to lick my face. Those things really changed me and I wasn't feeling scared any more because he cared for me.
This year on 2012. On the 10th of October. Henry would be having his 6th birthday and I hope that every year with him by my side. It would be a brighter and better one. I could never imagine my life without my little son. Henry, I love you.
Our love story started when I was only twelve. He was a surprise that my dad had for me. I could still remember the day when he was still a little pup. Those little eyes and the cute small little body that he use to have. He was just only around 5weeks old when we first set eyes upon him and bought him.
The first day that he spent with us was a memorable one because it was going to be his first bath in my house. At that time, I could still carry him with only one palm. I soon found out something about my little dog. He was the kind that hardly barked and would try to eat everything he could put into his mouth. There was once during Christmas when Henry got a present . It was those little chew shoe that had flavour in it. My dog literately ate the whole thing as though it was a tiny thing. I also caught him eating stones, leaves, chilli, cloth and some other. Henry was also the kind that didn't want to "waste" food. There was one time when he drank so much milk that his stomach was starting to look bloated but yet still wanted to continue drinking it. It was then when we took the bowl away from him and his eyes looked like it was going to tear-up. Those were the days but yet I still loved him for so many more reasons.
The things that I really love about my little son is that he is a really playful little dog. He would run around and follow me when ever I walk. Wherever I jumped he would jump the exact same place. Little Henry also doesn't really bark only when there is strangers. I could still remember the time when we trained him how to walk, sit, stay, fetch, lie down and ball. He was a little stubborn at first but we finally got the orders into the little head of his.
Many experience and secrets was also shared with him and somehow he seemed to understand. Like there was a time when I nearly met an accident but I didn't. I went home and looked for Henry and told him everything as he sat there and listened. After I told him the whole story, Henry came closer to me and wanted me to carry him. Once I carried him, he started to lick my face. Those things really changed me and I wasn't feeling scared any more because he cared for me.
This year on 2012. On the 10th of October. Henry would be having his 6th birthday and I hope that every year with him by my side. It would be a brighter and better one. I could never imagine my life without my little son. Henry, I love you.
Saturday, 2 June 2012
Lost Opportunity.
Few years ago, there was someone really special to me. It was someone that every single guy would dream of. And one of those guys were me. I could still remember the first time we ever met. It all started of like this: It was a wonderful afternoon when I was going back home from school and on that day, I took the wrong train and there was where our eyes met. The pretty face of yours smiling at me and I was shocked because I have never seen anyone look at me like that before. And there it was when I realised, this might be "love at first sight". I then took all the effort of my body and talk to you. Those little minutes that we had was almost like decades to me but yet when I had to leave, I didn't want to cause you were a miracle in my life. That is when we swapped numbers and there was also when it all started, just strangers that met in the train but now. Something great might happen to us and I was praying for it.
Times passed and we kept on messaging and calling each other. Calling was the best thing cause we talked up to three in the morning even though we both had school the next day. There is when I realised that we were starting to have a thing for each other and I was READY! It took me some time until I got the guts to ask you to be my girlfriend. The things that I had been praying for finally happened. You ACCEPTED! I was a happy kid once more and I always wanted to impress you every single time we met. But yet we never met again. I still remembered one time when I made plans with you to meet up at the train station. I waited for an hour but you never came. I was wavering but yet still hopeful.
I called you the when I reached home and called you wanting to ask what had happened for the wait. You told me that you fell sick and I was willing to just say "okay". I was curious but never did question you if it was the truth but I didn't want to ruin what we had which was good. But then came the moment when one day. You called me while crying on the phone and I knew something BAD was about to happen.
You told me " Matt, my friend wants to be in a relationship with me. He is my friend since we were children and I wouldn't want to break his heart.". I was shocked and didn't know what to say. You then told me "Can I be with him?" and there was when I knew you were cheating with me. The moments where I wished we could be together forever had been broken and shattered. I couldn't possibly say no cause I love you and all I wanted was for you to be happy. So I replied: okay, but we'd still be friends right?. You said "YES". I still hoped.
Days passed when we haven't called or messaged and I was wanting to hear you voice once again. But time and time again I called and messaged you but there was not a single sound from you. I knew that you were cheating on me, playing with my feelings when I clearly LOVED you with what I had but still you threw it away. Every time I think of you, I know that you are doing better than me cause sometimes when I look into your facebook account. I see you smiling with the guy I gave you up for. That was all I need to know. A smile from your face and I know everything is still all right.
A day being single
You may think that a day without you and just being friends is something I would like. But the truth is, my Heart would actually be in a real deep pain. So many days I haven't looked upon your beautiful face and spoken a single word into your ears. It is difficult and I can truly say I miss you. No words can express but the real thing is that I love you.
Even though you still think that I take of you as a friend. Many times I asked you out but yet you reject me and I can't feel the amount of pain when you say "no". My heart shatters into a million pieces and all I can do is cry alone in my room not wanting anybody to hear my cries. Times may be hard for us but perhaps someday. You will look into my heart and understand how I really feel. The deep sadness and loneliness that I have to live with for such a long time. HOPE is all I can have right now.
Best feeling in a long time
Had a wonderful time with my family. It somehow memorable because it was the real laughter that we shared today. Not just that, but we went back to our childhood days and talked about the cartoons and show we used to watch when we were still young. I never felt this sense of happiness for such a long time already.
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